What is it? What is the difference?
The disease of osteoarthritis, and arthritis is. Their names sound very similar, are of such disease in the same organs, the joints, but the base of these ailments, everything is different. What is the difference?

What is osteoarthritis
One of the main features of this disease — the defeat of cartilage in the joint. In any osteoarthritis is the pain that I had in the area of the affected joint, swelling may appear.
The cartilage when this disease ceases to cope with the load that he is, and he begins to deteriorate more heavily than it can recover.
As a result of the cartilage of the intermediate layer, between the bones, which ensures the normal gliding of the articular surfaces of the bones, does not comply with its function begins to deteriorate, and the movements are accompanied with pain.
What is arthritis
It is a chronic inflammatory process in the joints. It's called arthritis severe disruptions in the supply of the joint. Often accompanied by swelling sick of the area.
The symptoms of arthritis and osteoarthritis are the essential difference.
Osteoarthritis does not have in its sintomatologa "volatility". In a nutshell, the inflammation, based on a joint, it is extremely unlikely to pass on the other shoulder, leaving the former in peace.
The case of the Arthritis — the "volatile" nature of the lines.
The difference of arthritis and osteoarthritis in the nature of the pain.
Arthritis is the pain ceases, when the person is actively moving, except in the morning from the pain.
Osteoarthritis morning stiffness, passes for a short period of time, with the movement of the joint "tingling".
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs type used in the treatment of arthritis, can eliminate the pain only for a time. Arthritis can stop manifest themselves, but then attack with a new force.
Osteoarthritis of the reasons for that begin to deteriorate joint cartilage, can be converted into the metabolism, weight gain, decreased blood flow to the joint.
And yet, the most common cause is not the regulatory burden on the joints.
In physically oriented therapy uses the techniques of physical massage that relieves tension in the muscles and joints that have a double burden due to a sick joint.
Is done the balance of the connections, assumed the role of defender. Need help to release tension, relax.
Soft manual technique of relaxation of the connective tissues around the joint, help to strengthen the flow of blood and supply of oxygen. The joint begins to"breathe".
The technique of stimulating them manually, to "wake up" the beginning of attachment of the muscles located in the back, along the spine, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system. The lymph works as a drainage system, to cleanse the body of toxins and the elimination of the large particles between the fabric in the space, as well as the supply to all the cells of hormones, proteins, and lymphocytes.
Appears the possibility to feel better, be rid of the tension, find the contact with your body.
And, of course, this is only part of the way.
Addressing psychosomatic, you can find reasons for the development of adverse changes in the joints... Is, without doubt, accelerate the process of recovery.
The psychological causes of diseases of the joints in the following article.